Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations
Industrial Relations
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Industrial Relations (IR) as a function of Human Resources strives to build a harmonious working relationship between: the employee and the employer, employee and their employee organisation and an employee and his/her colleague(s).
About Air Niugini Industrial Relations
It is our responsibility to ensure that a harmonious relationship exists to manage industrial issues/disputes, staff disciplinary issues, resignation, retrenchment, retirement and, on a strategic note, initiate programs that strengthen the professional relationship and growth factor.
We deal with staff queries and we diagnose each query accordingly on a case-by-case basis and we provide feedback in accordance with relevant Air Niugini Awards, code of conduct and policies. Because we possess the authority and capacity to gather information across the Company network, we can easily flag breaches in the zero tolerance provisions. And all staff should know that these zero tolerance provisions are:
- Drug & Alcohol
- Stealing & Fraud
- Sexual Harassment
- Pornography
- Fighting
- Releasing information to the Media without the CEO's consent
IR Strategic Program(s)
We have in place a workplace program. Under this program we conduct workplace sessions within the Air Niugini network to educate and raise awareness on the Airline's code of conduct, policies and procedures. Since the inception of this program in mid June 2014, we have covered some departments and sections in Port Moresby and some outside ports. We will continue the program for other departments and other out-ports as the feedback sought is overwhelming; and the idea is to help our staff be aware of the code of conduct, the policies/procedures in place and what is required of them so that they are guided whilst at work.
Stakeholder Organisations
The Industrial Relations Team is assisted by and work with the following stakeholder associations within the Air Niugini network:
- National Airline Employees Association of PNG (NAEA)
- National Flight Attendant Association of PNG
- Aircraft Engineers Association and;
- National Airline Pilot Union
Additionally, the team works with and delivers its business results with the following departments or business units:
- Security Department
- Revenue Audits and;
- All Departmental/Sectional Management
Externally, Industrial Relations deals with:
- Department of Labour and Industrial Relations
- Employers Federation of PNG and;
- PNG Trade Union Congress
Our business involves a wide range of employment issues in today's modern workforce that are challenging. As such, our Industrial Relations Team strive to provide timely, deliverable results to our customers and stakeholders. We do so, very much with the assistance of our stakeholders and we will continue to do this.
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